Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Star Trek (2009): Review * * * *

I was pretty excited about this movie ... no I was really really excited. This did worry me a bit because in the past hyper movie excitement usually equated to major disappointment. The Star Wars prequels come to mind and The Mummy 2 & 3. However, all in all the new Star Trek movie delivered and it's one of those rare movies that I would pay to see twice in theaters.

I remember the original Star Trek TV series fondly. It played every Saturday when I was a kid and I watched it religiously. The original Series, inspired 4 spin off television series and 10 movies so I'm pretty sure the director J.J. Abrams, the writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, the cast, and pretty much anyone invested in this movie must have been nervous as hell opening night. Well I'm happy to report they did an admirable job. You have to remember they faced two major prequel challenges. One, how do you do anything new with such a momentous existing storyline? Two, how can you get a good performance out of your cast without them just coming off as imitation's of the original crew? What do you do? Solution: create an slightly altered timeline for your new creation to exist in.

The alternate timeline technique rarely works but Star Trek avoids the one factor that always destroys my interest in movies involving time travel: they don't spend the bulk of the movie trying to fix the timeline. Everyone who realizes it accepts that somethings changed and then go on to deal with the threat in the existing timeline. Thank god! I hate fixing the timeline movies!

Things I really liked;
- The meeting between Kirk and McCoy
- Kirk shows a fetish for green early
- Scotty and Chekov

The only weakness in this movie was the villain. Nero just seemed to be a faceless threat meaning you never hated or cared that much about him. Yes he was there and a threat but really it could have been anybody or anything. It was amazing that I liked the movie so much because normally I've got to love/hate the villain and with Nero I just didn't care.

However, I would still give this movie 4 out of 5 stars and am even more excited about the next one.

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