The biggest internet trend of late is Twitter. I'm pretty sure anyone who uses a computer knows about Twitter as it's the rage at the moment. However, just in case you haven't heard about Twitter: it's a micro blogging social networking service that limits entries to 140 characters. The idea is you can quickly update what your doing at any given moment using mobile devices or your computer. In addition to entering your own tweets you subscribe to other Tweeters and get a little feed of their latest entries to which you can comment and reply. Woot just what the world needed one more social networking platform: that is sarcasim in case you missed it.
Technically Twitter seems to work pretty good and if you lead an extremely adventrous life it would be a good way to share with the masses. The problem is that most people aren't doing anything interesting and that includes the plethora of celebraties using Twitter or having their assitant using Twitter. I really could careless if Lance Armstrong was picking up his kids or Brooke Burke changed a diaper or that Shaq was just getting back from the club. Who cares! Well apparently a lot of people do but for the most part I don't.
Like most other web social networking services Twitter's is sadly abused but spammers and this was the main reason I ended my Twitter experiment. No internet porn lady I don't intend to subscribe to your nudie site just because your said your following my Tweets and no
Now during my Twitter experient I did discover a couple interesting Tweeters and my favorite would be, Veronica Belmont (every male nerds idea of the perfect girlfriend aside from my wife of course). She actually includes quite a few cool web articles, videos, and technical trends in her Twitter entries. I also picked up the term SUGLY (Sexy but Ugly) from Shaq's tweets and now use the word whenever I can.
In conclusion, all though there are a handful of interesting people on Twitter that occassionally include interesting content in their Tweets those are rare finds. So unless your really bored or want to know when your idol does laundry I would suggest not bothering with it.
SUGLY... Love it! Stealing it!