Friday, December 26, 2014

Sine Mora

Sine Mora is a bit different than I expected, but being as how the title gave me absolutely nothing to work with, I guess that's to be expected. I figured it'd be some kind of low grade RPG, but it actually turned out to be an interesting little side scrolling air plane shooter, something like a cross between 1941 and the original Super Mario Brothers.
As Sine Mora's go, this is defentiely the most I've ever seen.
The game has great graphics, decent mechanics, and what appears to be quite a story written into to if you have the time and patience to read paragraphs of text in between missions, which I do not. The spoken language for the game is likely Asian in origin, but being as I do not speak that language any more than I have the patience for the text, I paid no attention to.

The unique factor of this game is actually a couple of points: 1. You don't die from getting shot or hit, only drop weapon power ups (which can be picked up again), but there is a timer counting down that gets replenished by kills and power ups, you only die when time runs out; 2. A time dilation mechanic that allows you to slow everything down on the screen except yourself (maybe not unique, but it is for this style of game); and 3. Holding the space bar allows you to speed through dialogue sections, of which there are many.

I'm going to do 7/10 for Sine Mora, it's a nice little game that I got more play time out of than I expected.

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