Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Neighbours from Hell

Not knowing what to expect, as I don't remember when I got these games, I thought I'd give Neighbours from Hell a try. Starting it up seemed to promise a platformer, but that promise was a very pleasant lie. There are 2 entries in this title, but they are little more than 2 episodes of the same game.

The game is a point and click puzzler that actually manages to pull off some of the humour it's driving for. Concept is simple: you play tricks on a neighbour, sneaking around the house, or vacation spot, finding items to use, then setting up the tricks, while avoiding getting caught by him, his pets, or, in the sequel, his mother; not much story, but it's not needed. The levels also do a great job of ramping up the difficulty, allowing you to get your feet wet and learn how to play before getting hardcore.
Sneaky little shit, isn't he?
I have to say there is quite a bit of re-playability to it as it's very compelling to go back and redo levels to try and up your ratings, timing your tricks to get the neighbour madder and madder. A single play of both titles can easily be done in under 10 hours, but going for the full score will almost double that. I'm not much of a fan of the "sitcom tv" style the game uses, but I see where the designer was going with it, and it's not obtrusive.

9/10 on this one for me, it's inexpensive, engaging, and, best of all, fun. Only caveat is, point and click puzzles may not be for everyone.

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