Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Left 4 Dead 2

To be blunt, Left 4 Dead 2 doesn't offer much over what it's predecessor did, but, how much more do you need? High impact survival with limited resources, now with melee weapons, these were the best of times, these were the worst of times.

The basic game is what it should be, run through levels trying to stay alive and keep your team-mates alive, because that's how you stay alive, finding what you need as you go. 2 adds in a few change ups to that make the game more challenging, such as resource hunting, inclement weather, and moderate special infected to balance out the new weapons and survival items. Gotta love dusting a tank with a vial of boomer bile and watching the regular infected swarm (pro tip, completing that combo with a Molotov cocktail give the zombie survival 'E' trifecta: Effective, Efficient, and Entertaining)
Fighting a tank is often a tad bit challenging, 2 of them is not double the fun.
There is really nothing wrong with this game, my only real complaint is not being able to play the original team; it seemed like a bit of a cheap out, a way of psuedo-advancing the story without having to put any writing effort into it. I also have to say melee weapons are not my style, they work well here, and can save your ass, but I'm more of a shoot 'em up kind of guy than a bash 'em up. I can't say these changes ruin, or even hurt, the game in anyway, they just kind of rubbed me wrong a little bit.

9/10, this is a great game, the changes done didn't do much for me, but that's me. All you need to remember is, the basic game is unchanged, and always shoot the smokers first, give 'em half a chance and they will ruin your whole day.

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