Monday, October 20, 2014

Sacred Citadel

Sacred Citadel is a hack and slash brawler, not unlike Shank, but with a sword and sorcery thing going on. It would appear there is a multiplayer aspect going on, that likely enhances the gameplay, but I guess we'll never know for sure.

Standard fare for these games, a sidescrolling action that keeps you getting pitted against bigger and more enemies that you need to plow through. As you go you collect better weapons and level up, generally enhancing your power.

With so much violence in mines, why aren't we regulating these things yet?
The controls seem to work quite well, combo's are easy to pull off and the enemies are either not numerous enough to make impossible, or you have the power you need to move through them. either way, the game works well and is a lot of fun.

I'm going 8/10 on this one, it's a good looking game with a decent control scheme, although depth perception can be an issue (orienting yourself with objects above or below your plane) and there are some platforming aspects I'm not a fan of (although this isn't a large part of the game), and a bit of humor thrown in. This one won't change your life, but it'll pass a few hours

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