Friday, October 3, 2014

Costume Quest

I don't remember when or why I picked up Costume Quest, but I'm going to assume it was part of a Humble Bundle. Built like a kids game it's got a good design,albeit a bit older in execution, and a decent combat system. Graphics are nothing fancy, but they work well with the general atmosphere. I found myself enjoying this one much more than I expected to.
Looks pretty cool base don that screenshot, doesn't it?
Long story short, you go trick or treating and end up fighting monsters. Along the way you find different costumes that give you different powers, completing missions give you more candy/costume parts and a fair bit of neighborhood exploration tie up the rest of the game. There is a plot to the game, but I didn't pay much attention to it past the opening cut scenes so obviously it's not anything too engaging.

Combat is generally a quick time event, but it's one of the better ones I've seen. I'm not a fan of QTE's but this one wasn't badly done.

Nothing innovative and, again, probably more for a 10-14 year old audience, but fun is where you find it. I'm giving this one 7/10, if you get it for dirt cheap, it's not a total miss, but I don't think it will appeal a broad audience.

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