Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Jamestown is an interesting little number, a revisionist/alternate history where Britain has settled Mars instead of North America, and Spain has aligned itself with the Martians. You fly a spaceship shooting bad guys, because of course you do!

It plays a lot like 1941 and that entire line of games; there is a multiplayer aspect that I assume would enhance the experience, but I judge a game by what it does for me, not a group of people.

Words can only describe so much...
The game has a fairly steep difficulty curve, and playing on normal only allows you so far, level advancement is tied to performance on previous levels, so you have to gut up and play through the pain to advance.The game has something of an 8 bit graphics thing going on that I kind of like, and the firepower is awesome to behold, but I don't know if that's enough for success.

I'm giving this one a 5/10, it's not a bad game but I don't think there is enough to keep me engaged, after an hour I found myself getting bored.

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