Friday, June 19, 2009

Darcy Rants Episode 1: Screw you Coca Cola

Okay this is maybe a bit off the usual Geeky Blithering content but I have a beef and that beef is with the Coca Cola company.

This week I went to the movies twice and was thus subjected to a barrage of commercials before I got to watch trailers (which are even more commercials) before I finally got to see my movies. Up here we have one choice in movie theaters Cineplex Odeon who obviously have an agreement with Coca Cola so thus this rant focuses on Coca Cola but I want to point out Pepsi does the same damn thing I just don't see it as much being I rarely watch television.

Anyway, I was forced to sit through a couple Coke commercials prior to my movie which is fine. I honestly don't despise paying to sit and be advertised to ... hmm wait that may be a future rant. In these Coke commercials this dude is in a heat wave living in an apartment with no air conditioning and suddenly craves a Coke. He then wonders through the city in search of said Coke while bombarded with subliminal images of Coke bottles. Bang! That's my freaking point. I WANT TO BY MY COKE IN A BOTTLE! All of Coke's advertisements feature the classic bottle. The stupid cuddly polar bears, do they crack open a can of Coke NO they drink their Coke out of a bottle. Does this guy accept a can of Coke to cure his craving NO he finds a bottle of Coke.

Coke why do you taunt me with the promise that I can buy your acid water in beautiful bottle when I can't! If I buy a Coke I have to settle for a stupid fucking can or if I want twice the amount anyone should drink in one sitting I can get a ugly fucking plastic bottle. Coca Cola if your not going to give me the ability to buy your product in a glass bottle don't fucking advertise it to me as coming a glass bottle. I've been pissed about the replacement of glass pop bottles since I was a kid and your just rubbing salt in the wound.

Anyway you can shove your cute polar bears up your ass I'm not buying your product until I can get it in a glass bottle. Until then I'm going to the drug store and getting a pic-a-pop.


  1. Yeah, it was cool to go to the Dominican Republic and they stocked our fridge with the smaller glass bottles of Coke, Coca-cola Light and 7-Up. It does taste better out of the glass, that's for sure. But it's so much easier to recycle the cans or plastic.

    What about Mother Earth, Darcy? What about that?

  2. screw mother earth I want my coke in a bottle :)

  3. Mother Earth can just suck it up and take one for the team!
