Tuesday, April 28, 2009

OMG Yes: Marvel vs Capcom 2 is coming this summer

I loved this game in the 90s, I mean I LOVED this game in the 90s. I plugged countless quarters into it and I shed a tear when arcades died knowing my beloved Marvel vs Capcom game was gone.

It was the perfect game combining two of my geeky loves comics and video games. Yes, there was a version for the original XBox, Dreamcast, and PS2 but it just didn't feel the same.

Anyway, if you're like me and have missed this game dearly you'll be happy to know that both XBox Live and whatever the PS3 equilivant happens to be is going to offer the best 2D fight game ever. This new release will take advantage of a true multiplayer environment and if done right may just be awesome. I for one will finally cough up the 100 bucks for a wireless XBox 360 thingy and spend many beautiful summer days in my basement kicking Capcom ass!


  1. My only problem with the concept of these and other superhero fighting games (I had X-Men Mutant Academy for PS One, and played the shit out of it back in the day) is that it puts everyone on the same level when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. Really, is any Street Fighter character supposed to match up physically with the Hulk? He'd use Chun Li as a toothpick, for Christ's sake.

    Still, once you get over that, it's a cool way to experience some of your favourite characters outside of the more traditional mission-based superhero games.

  2. True and I'm pretty sure Venom would just eat Megaman but I can put aside that for the chance to play a Bison/Captain America team up. :)

  3. I too am a HUGE fan of MvC2 and will be promptly purchasing this the day of it's release for PS3.

    Actually, the demo just hit PSN today... SICK DAY!?!
