Thursday, March 12, 2009

Nicolas Cage You Need to Read This

In the 80s and early 90s I loved Nicolas Cage. His movies were always a little weird but he always came across as one cool dude. At some point in the late 90s his movies took a turn for the worse and he has officially surpassed Tom Cruise in my rating of the most annoying actor: I liked War of Worlds okay! I actually wince when I see a movie trailer for any Nicolas Cage movie and I think this website explains why perfectly.

Seriously, watch the montage of scenes from the Wicker Man, a remake of a classic and I don't like original either to but that's a different story. I'm going to create a Drinking game where one needs to take a beer every time he punches out a woman in the Wicker Man, I've never noticed that till I watched the montage ... sheesh. However, despite the stupidity that is The Wicker Man one of the worst acting performances I've ever scene was Cage as Ghost Rider, Eva was just as bad but at least she was nice to look at.

Please Nicolas just stop, you have lots of money either retire or take your craft seriously.

I think I found this link on my friend Tyler's blog, thanks man.

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