Thursday, June 3, 2010

Vanilla WoW

I had cancelled my WoW account a while back but found myself missing my virtual home so started playing again last week. I started a couple new toons because my wife started a guild and needed a few more members and wanted to game with me.

I'm in no rush to level and get to end game content mostly because I find people turn into douche bags at end game and start booting people out of groups because they don't spend every waking moment online or don't have the best gear or whatever stupid retard reason people decide they have the right to ruin someone else's fun .... but I digress.

I'm taking my time in the early levels trying to do all the quests I can in the Vanilla WoW world and actually playing the instances as they were meant to be played: Deadmine's is a lot more fun in a group of 5 level 17 to 20s then chasing after some level 80 whose running you thru for gear.

Vanilla WoWs a great game better than Outlands and I think it may be just as much fun as Northrend. Take your time and enjoy it trust me once you hit level 80 you waste more time dealing with party melodrama then gaming so there's no need to rush there.

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