Thursday, October 21, 2010

WoW Patch 4.0.1, One Week Later

It's been a week since the big patch was released and it looks like everyone has settled in and adjusted, I know I have. I admit to missing a few abilities, but by and large it looks like most of what was weeded out was not important; the few missing spells were ones I rarely, if ever, used, and, while I haven't noticed any difference with my Warlock, most classes are reporting major power buffs.

I still haven't played my hunter, but I did give my Paladin a couple runs at the headless horseman and I really notice the streamlined interface there; again fewer spells, but the ones I'm left with make more sense and I feel like I'm getting a more complete play with that toon.

The biggest problems I have found have been around the dungeons, getting in and out is more problematic and disconnects, although becoming rarer, still plague the busier instances. Having said that though I'm very impressed with how people are handling the disconnects, some frustration, but no unwarranted rudeness towards players getting punted. In several cases I have still been part of the group when I got logged back in. Exiting an instance to find I am no longer mounted on a flying mount are a bit harder to deal with, repairing epic gear is expensive!

Although the initial shock was a little overwhelming I think things have worked out well in Azeroth. Change is always hard to deal with and is usually met with heavy resistance, so it's often better to use the band-aid method that 4.0.1 used, everyone says "Ouch, that hurt" but then realizes they're at least as well off as they were before, and, in some cases, better.

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