Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fable 3 - Hmmmm

After Fable 2 I vowed I wasn't buying Fable 3. However, I've been looking a few of the trailers and I have to say I'm getting sucked in once again. Now Fable 2 wasn't the worst game I've ever played but it was no original Fable. What were my problems with Fable 2? Well since you asked:

- Fable 2 was too easy after the half way point in the game you were pretty much a unstoppable juggernaut and if you did happen to die before that oooo you got a scar.

- Fable 1 fighting took a little skill but Fable 2 was nothing but a button smasher

- Why bother getting armor it provided no benefit so guess what my character was a girl that like to kick ass in her underpants. Okay maybe that wasn't so bad until she turned into a butch behemoth.

- The AI character Hammer was in my opinion the 2nd most annoying video game character ever; beaten ever so slightly by Otis in the First Dead Rising. OMG my face twitches when I think of Hammers whining and Otis's cell phone spamming calls in the middle of zombie fights. Side note apparently there's a way to kill Otis which is definitely reason to play Dead Rising again.

- The biggest let down with Fable 2 was the so called co-op play which was a complete waste of time and such a huge let down. Really it was only slightly better than old school games like Double Dragon .... scratch that Double Dragon was better.

So you may be thinking my god Darcy that game sounds horrid why would you consider Fable 3. Well the original Fable is a game I remember with fond memories. I hadn't been into video games since Earth Worm Jim and then my wife got me to buy Fable and that game opened up a pandora's box of video game addiction for me. I truly enjoyed playing the first Fable thru at least 3 times.

I have my doubts that Fable 3 will recapture the magic of Fable but I got to to say the trailer looks intriguing and it looks like they actually worked to make the Co-op an actual co-op experience. I'm going to do a little more research but I've been considering getting an XBox again and this could be the game to convince me that I need 3 different consoles.

1 comment:

  1. Well, to be fair, it is rude to hang up on people. A zombie apocalypse doesn't give you the right to throw ALL social convention out the window, and Otis just wants to help you remember that.
