Sunday, March 14, 2010

Who Needs Cable: Recent Web Discoveries

Living in Saskatchewan Canada it's easy to fall behind on tech news because as I mentioned in a previous rant we tend to be 2 to 4 years behind the cutting age. Therefore, I have been making a point of watching This Week in Google (TWIG)and This Week in Tech (TWIT) every week in an attempt to stay more current. This last week I've followed a chain of links starting from to discover some pretty cool web sites/shows that obviously aren't new but are new to me. Thus, I thought I'd share them in case others have been out of the loop.

The host of TWIG and TWIT, Leo Laporte, does an audio show with,
net@night, where I discovered a link to Amber MacArthur's site and clicked on her show, yes I have a thing for ladies with nerdy interests and that's no secret because I am happily married to one. However, this shows turned out to be a pretty informative and exposed a couple more really good web shows to me.

A Comic Book Orange
If your a comic fan at all you'll like this show. It's fun, goofy, a little dorky, but also pretty informative.

Geek Brief

If you want to keep up on the new tech gadgets this show is perfect. Its short, fun, sweet, and you'll learn about something new in each show (at least I did).

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