Wednesday, September 17, 2014


VVVVVV was a Humble Bundle purchase and while I can't say I hate the game I didn't particularly enjoy it. A study in gaming mechanics it is, but an engaging means of spending several hours it is not.

This is pretty close to an Atari 2600 level side scroller, although the physics are much more impressive than I would have expected from an Atari game.

Graphics intensive it is not
You move through the levels and jump from ceiling to floor of each level with no problems, using a combination of these movements to navigate through each screen. There is a story tied in here, but not one that I cared enough about to learn.

My real problem is the game play appears to be largely memory based navigation, study a screen and attempt different moves until you get the timing/pattern correct, not a winning combo for me. I understand gaming is all about patterns, but I like to strive for more with my games.

I'm giving this one a 6/10, it gets points for the concept, but loses a lot for being a memory building tool.

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