I was composing a blog entry about how Gerard Butler movies are tormenting my existence but I'm afraid that needs to take a back seat because I just noticed the god like power I wield with this blog.
I while back I had a little literary fit over the fact that I couldn't get a Nexus One in Canada. Then less than two weeks later Google announces the Nexus One availability in Canada. I also ranted about the Kindle which then later became available in Canada. Yesterday I witnessed my blogging power once more.
A long time ago I vented on Coca Cola for having sexy glass bottles in their advertising and I couldn't get my coke in that bottle. Yesterday, I went to this newer lunch place downtown, The Great Panini, and looked in the freezer to see ... yes Coca Cola and Diet Coke in glass bottles! Not those stupid mini bottles coke sells as a gimmick but glass bottles like the ones you got your beverage in during the 80s. I've attached a picture as proof.
I probably should use this power of mine to rant for World Peace but Rob convinced me I should focus on boobies instead.
I firmly believe that when the boobies are let free world peace will follow, and even if it doesn't who cares? We'll have bare boobies!