Friday, June 19, 2009

Some Games I'm Excited About

Rob's already covered a few of them like the next Dead Rising 2, Bioshock 2, and Left 4 Dead 2. However, there are 2 more that I'm excited about and one combined with Infamous may force me to buy a PS3.

1) Dragon Age Origins: Watching the trailer to this I was blown away and I kinda like the heavy metal music background. However, most games come up with a good trailer so that's not it alone. This is a Bioware game and I tend to like their games quite a bit. Plus this companies headquarters is a mere 8 hours away so I can entertain delusions of working for them someday. I am a little nervous sine EA bought them out and outside of sports games EA tends to drop the ball. Regardless I will definitely be checking out this title.

2) Demon Soul's: This is the 2nd game that I really want to play but is going to only be available as a PS3 release. Fable II and Bioshock (at the time) where to 2 games that convinced me to go XBox but this title combined with Infamous are making a strong arguement for getting a PS3, plus I can rationalize it to my family as a Blue Ray player. I really like action RPGs and this looks to be pretty damn cool maybe cool enough to help me shake my World of Warcraft addiction.

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