Sunday, April 19, 2009

Star Trek Marathon

Starting on April 26 Space will be running all the Star Trek Movies, one each night for ten consecutive nights, essentially serving as a lead up to the new Star Trek movie, one that I am very much looking forward to seeing.

So, the question is, which nights are worth watching, well that's what I'm going to tell you right now, so lets begin, with Robs quick and dirty Star Trek Movie Recommendations:

  1. Star Trek The Motion Picture: an excellent story with some decent effects, considering it's a product of the 70's. The problem with this movie is it's a bit long, I don't have a problem watching it for the full three hours, but I can understand why many people wouldn't. I Recommend this one
  2. Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan: arguably the best movie of the series. Chekov gets a space bug in his brain, the entire crew of the USS Reliant gets butchered, Kirstie Alley as a Vulcan, and Kirk outsmarts a genetically engineered genius. Synopsis, good plot and great space battles. Highly recommended!
  3. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock: If you've got something better to do this night I'd recommend doing that instead. They couldn't even get Kirstie Alley back as Saavik so why include her character? The battles are decent and the story is ok, but it just never got off the ground as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't bother watching it.
  4. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home: This is decent, Spock learns how to swear, Scotty can't use a computer, and where else at the height of the cold war do you find a Russian walking the streets of San Francisco asking "Where are the nuclear wessels?". Recommended.
  5. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier: I liked this one too, even though the plot was weak. I mean come on, using a space ship to go visit god? Still I like how they made this one, and for the first time you see evidence of a toilet in Star Trek. I don't care what anyone says, I like William Shatner, as an actor, a writer and a director. Recommended.
  6. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country: Good God, you must have something better to do than watch this piece of crap. I actually had trouble sitting through the whole thing. Seriously, they should have stopped these at five like the planned, the chemistry is gone between the characters, and an Enterprise without Sulu at the helm? What up with that? Take a nap instead.
  7. Star Trek: Generations: Only if you liked The Next Generation. I didn't mind this movie but then I'm a cross functional trek fan, I can see the beauty in all things Trek. If you found TNG boring an monotonous you won't be inclined to this one, it was essentially a 2 hour episode. Cautiously recommended.
  8. Star Trek: First Contact: If you're only going to watch one of them make it this one. Again, arguably the best of the series, on par with Khan. Time travel and the Borg, great combo. I never liked Jonathon Frakes as an actor but he proves he can be a good director, really delivered with this one, a first rate scifi action movie. Highly recommended!
  9. Star Trek Insurrection: I'd tell you to go take another nap during this one, but, if you have trouble sleeping, you should watch this one. Again a decent plot but the story never picks you up, plus, putting Riker in command of the Enterprise for a space battle? No way man, he couldn't phaser his way out of a paper bag; after seeing First Contact it's hard to believe he directed this one too. See what else is on that night.
  10. Star Trek Nemesis: Again a good plot and some decent action but it just gets so boring in places. In my opinion the biggest flaw of this movie happens in the first ten minutes, at the wedding of Riker and Troi; why would Wesley Crusher be at the banquet, he disappeared into the next level of human evolution during the last season of TNG alongside the Traveler, he wouldn't come back to sip champagne at a wedding. Ruined the rest of the movie, rat bastards. Watch it you want to see Data die, and by the way the song Riker references about Data at the end of the movie is "Pop Goes the Weasel" (dumbass). Watch it only for the sake of completion. Not recommended.



1 comment:

  1. I agree with you man Shatner is pretty awesome. I find it sad that society treats him like a joke, the guy is smart, funny, and by far the best Captain of the Enterprise.
