Arseface appears as part of plot that involves his Father vs Jesse Custer. Sadly, Ennis keeps bringing into story lines and even gives him a special of his own. In short Arseface is called that because his face looks like an arse, the negative result of him trying to kill himself after Kurt Cobain's suicide. Anyway. Arseface's abusive redneck dad doesn't fair to well against Custer and Arseface swears revenge after Custer accidently kills his father by telling him to 'go fuck himself' with the 'Voice of God'. Not a good thing to tell somebody when you have the power to make them do whatever they say. Of coarse Arseface is the ultimate loser so doesn't get any revenge and Custer ends up convincing him his dad was such a dick he wasn't worth avenging.
I can honestly say nothing about this character appealed to me and the dark humour didn't even work. I'm sure there is a cult of people who think the character was genius but I personally just thought he sucked and interferred with the flow of the main story line.
I've never heard of this character, but your description is the funniest thing I've read all day.