And as for the music games, seriously, you're time is better off spent learning to play a real instrument, at least you're accomplishing something. Prince actually refused his own music game, Rock Star or Guitar Hero, I can't remember which, for that very reason, he'd rather see kids learning to actually play instruments. If you can't respect Prince, who can you respect, right Darcy?
But, like it or not, the music game seems to be here to stay. That's why in an effort to try and live with society's mistakes in general I've come up with a theme for a music game I would be willing to play: R0ck Star Zombies
Think about it, playing with all the late greats, Richie Valens, Jimmi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, John Lennon and too many others to mention right now; you could even throw in the arm of the drummer from Def Leopard, I'm sure it could crawl around the drum set or something. Apparently Kurt Cobain wouldn't be able to make it since he's apparently the musical equivalent to Jesus or some damned thing, but who cares, the dude wasn't worth including anyway.
The idea is that the better you play the better your chances of avoiding a bullet in the head, which would end your "new" career, and getting closer to the tasty brains in the audience. The other side of the coin, the song ends with your rotting skull being emptied on the stage behind you.
A bad idea? Yes, probably, but then so is the entire music themed game genre. At least my way guarantees something dies, thus making it a real video game!